
Corporate web design BIOPLUS BRIEF Bioplus is a company specialized in professional cleaning services, ranging from offices to homeowners’ communities. To approach this project, we started with a comprehensive strategic work. The strategic sessions prior to web development were enlightening, especially when conducting a competitive study that allowed us to redefine the positioning of Bioplus. […]
Glass Madrid Berlanas Group

Corporate web design GLASS MADRID BERLANAS GROUP BRIEF Grupo Glass Madrid Berlanas is positioned as a benchmark in the supply of quality glass solutions for construction and architectural projects. Specializing in the manipulation and transformation of glass, they excel in everything from high-efficiency double and triple glazing to the creation of elegant and functional railings. […]
Timber Art

Corporate web design TIMBER ART BRIEF Timber Art by Woodversa emerges as a second brand specialized in high-end woods for interiors and exteriors. The project included the development of the branding, led by Cristina Silverio’s team, who not only conceptualized the organization’s culture, but also designed its image and created a showroom in Madrid as […]

Corporate web design PREVISEGURO BRIEF Previseguro stands out as an insurance brokerage that acts as an intermediary and advisor, facilitating effective communication between insurance companies and their clients. Its commitment is focused on providing support and guidance to clients at all stages of the process, from the evaluation of options prior to taking out insurance […]

Branding + Corporate web design PAHERG BRIEF PAHERG (Physical Activity & Health Research Group) is a research group affiliated with the Hospital 12 de Octubre in Madrid. His work focuses on building scientific evidence on the benefits of physical exercise in diverse populations, with special emphasis on a line of research dedicated to pediatric and […]

Branding + Corporate web design MIKROBIOMIK BRIEF My experience with Mikrobiomik began in their first steps, when they were just starting their trajectory. Today, they have evolved into a leading biopharmaceutical company dedicated to the research, development, production and commercialization of biological drugs based on the human microbiome. This pioneering company is about to set […]
Las Joyas de la Corona

Branding + Web Design + ECOMMERCE LAS JOYAS DE LA CORONA BRIEF Las Joyas de la Corona, a dog kennel dedicated to the toy breeds of Yorkshire, Pomeranian, Chihuahua, Bichon Maltese, Shitzu and Poodle, is a company that dog lovers are passionate about. This project was a delight for me, as I share the same […]

BRANDING + Corporate web design ALABOCA BRIEF Alaboca, a catering company based in Vitoria-Gasteiz, in the Basque Country, specializes in providing catering services for organizations and events. We started an integral design process that included the creation of a new corporate image and the definition of the brand positioning. This strategic approach provided the essential […]

Corporate web design AREACAD BRIEF Arecad, a leading engineering company specialized in the design and implementation of high-tech projects for broadcast media, audiovisual rooms, Smart buildings and Smart homes, is embarking on a new phase as a company. Its evolution is aimed at consolidating its position as the best technological ally for communication and comfort […]

Corporate web design WISMAPS BRIEF Starting a web project for a company in its first steps always generates excitement. Beginnings are often challenging, and it is precisely in these moments that I find it rewarding to bring value through my design. Wismaps is dedicated to the creation of decorative custom maps, being WhatsApp its main […]